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Samuel Turpin

Journalist- photographer

Multimedia producer

Head of project

Photojournalist committed to Human Rights and Environmental  issues. 20 years of experience in conflict zones and project management


Marion Esnault

Journalist- photographer

Multimedia producer

Public relations

Photojournalist committed to a more just and sustainable society. 10 years of experience dedicated to socio-environmental projects.

Climate activist


Louise Brassart

Digital communication

& Social Media

Positive communication manager committed to a more equitable society. 7 years of experience dedicated to environmental and humanitarian causes

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Benjamin Bibas

Journalist-documentary maker - Multimedia producer

Founder-partner of La Fabrique Documentaire. 15 years of experience in documentary production on Human Rights and Environment issues.


Martine Béguin

Journalist-documentary maker - Multimedia producer

30 years of experience at the Swiss National Radio.

 Committed to Human Rights, Environment and Culture 


We conform to codes of conduct and ethics as implemented by the leading media organizations.

Our values are based on accuracy of the facts, verified sources, editorial balance, the representation of all publicly recognized parties and responsible reporting.


We do not accept advertorials.

We protect intellectual-property rights, copyright and distribution rights.

We do not belong to any lobby group or private company. We do not benefit directly from finance from private companies, lobby groups or any other influence group which might have known conflicting interests or ambiguous policies. We aim to diversify our sources of funding.

We are a non-profit organization. All profits are reinvested in the running of the structure. We practise public disclosure of our activity reports and financial statements.

Our goal is a flexible, responsive structural organization that keeps structural costs as low as possible in order to be able to give priority to operational production and distribution costs.

We favour an organization based on partnerships, exchanges of skills, the pooling of resources and the principle of coworking.

We are a responsible organization which favours open-source systems.

We follow a code of working practice that is mindful of the environment. We are aware that our mission and the nature of our activities involve extensive travel, particularly air travel. We opt for public transport as far as possible, and judicious use of the methods of transport that cause pollution. Any air travel is offset through a CO2 emissions compensation programme.



Capture d’écran 2019-12-04 à
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© 2016 / Samuel Turpin

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